Your friends should attend the Zoom meeting as soon as it begins. You can access Zoom’s share screens by clicking the Share Screen link at the bottom of the page. There are controls for Zoom meetings that can be configured so that screens can be shared. Just be sure to turn off any other applications or tabs that you don’t want to share beforehand. You can also use the “Share Screen” button to share your entire screen, which can be helpful if you’re watching the movie on a streaming service like Netflix. Choose the window containing the movie file, then click “Share.”

To do this, click the “Share Screen” button in the bottom toolbar, then select the “Share a Window” option. If you have the movie file on your computer, you can also use Zoom’s built-in screen sharing feature to share it. You can upload the movie file to a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox and share the link, or you can use a screen sharing tool like Screenleap or QuickTime Player. If you want to share a movie with others using Zoom, there are a few different ways to do it.