In Altium's electronic design software, a PCB project is the set of design documents (files) required to specify and manufacture a printed circuit board. The first step is to create a PCB project. You're ready to begin capturing (drawing) the schematic. The circuit is shown below it uses two general purpose NPN transistors configured as a self-running astable multivibrator. The design for which you will be creating the schematic and designing a printed circuit board (PCB) is a simple astable multivibrator. To learn more about a command, dialog, object, or panel, press F1 when the cursor is over that item. If you are new to Altium software, it is worth reading the Exploring Altium Designer page to learn more about the interface, information on how to use panels, and an overview of managing design documents. This tutorial will help you get started by taking you through the entire process of designing a simple PCB – from idea to output files. Welcome to the world of electronic product development in Altium's world-class electronic design software. Mapping Design Data into the Generated BOM.Configuring Validation Report Generation.Individual Outputs or an Output Job File.Output Documentation and Project Release.Configuring the Display of Rule Violations.ActiveRoute – Automated Interactive Routing.Modifying and Rerouting Existing Routes.Component Positioning and Placement options.Defining the Electrical Clearance Constraint.Physical Layers and the Layer Stack Manager.Configuring the Board Shape and Location.Verifying the Project to Check for Errors.Checking the Electrical Properties of Your Schematic.Working with the Properties panel during Placement.Placing from the Components Panel onto the Schematic.Acquiring from the Manufacturer Part Search Panel to the Workspace.