Now, you will add the android studio official repository to your system. If Java is already installed on your system then, you will skip this step to save your time. So, you will install Java JDK using the following command if it is not already installed on your system: $ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk You need to install Java JDK software which is required for the android studio. Follow the following steps to install Android Studio through the repository: Step 1: Install Java JDK on Ubuntu 20.04 But first, you need to make sure some prerequisite packages must be installed on your Ubuntu system. Using this method, you will install the android studio on your Ubuntu 20.04 system by adding its official repository to your source list. Install android studio through snap Method 1: Install Android Studio through the repository.

Install android studio by adding android-studio repository.We have two different ways to install Android Studio on an Ubuntu system. In this article, we will show you how to install Android Studio on an Ubuntu 20.04 Linux system using an apt repository and also how to install it using Snap. This tool has several built-in features that provide a stable and fast environment for developing applications. Most of the currently popular Android applications are developed using Android Studio. Android Studio is developed by Google and can run on various operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. Import 7.app.Android Studio is the most widely used Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android mobile application development. I read a similar topic before posting this one but my issue is not the same. I successfully followed chapter 1 and everything worked fine except at the end of the chapter after creating the AVD EMULATOR to run the app.Android Studio said build successful but the phone is blank, not showing the app, the phone just said ANDROID.